Har Chhatravratti Scholarship Haryana 2024: हर छात्रवृति योजना से जुड़ी सभी जानकारी

Har Chhatravritti Scholarship 2024: The Department of Higher Education, Haryana Government has launched the Har Chhatravratti Portal for students who are residents of Haryana and who want to pursue their higher studies from any Govt Aided/ Self Financing Colleges or Govt Colleges in or outside Haryana for the academic session of 2023-24. All the details related to the Har Chhatravritti .highereduhry .ac .in Scholarship Scheme 2023 are given here.

Haryana Hary Chhatravratti Portal will auto-populate the data from the Parivar Pehchan Patra (PPP) which is mandatory to apply for the Har Chhatravatti Scholarship Haryana. A one-time registration is required for the Har Chhatravratti Portal which is applicable for all the eligible scholarships of these departments of the Haryana Govt.

  1. Department of Higher Education, Haryana
  2. Department of Technical Education, Haryana
  3. Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Haryana
  4. Department of Medical Education & Research, Haryana
  5. Department of Skill & Industrial Training, Haryana

Har Chhatravratti Higher Education Department Haryana 2024 Scheme Registration

Har Chhatravratti
Har Chhatravratti
Organization NameDepartment of Higher Education Haryana
Scheme NameHar Chhatravratti Scholarship Scheme Haryana
Colleges/ Institutes IncludedGovt. Aided/ SFC
Application FeesNo Fees
No. of Scholarships AvailableTen (10)
No. of DepartmentsFive (5)
Amount in the SchemeVaries Scheme Wise
Har Chhatravratti Portalharchhatravratti. highereduhry.ac.in

What is Har Chhatravritti

हर छात्रवृत्ति हरियाणा सरकार का एक छात्रवृत्ति पोर्टल है जहां हरियाणा के शिक्षा से संबंधित विभागों द्वारा प्रदान की जाने वाली विभिन्न छात्रवृत्ति के लिए हरियाणा निवासी पात्र छात्रों से आवेदन आमंत्रित किए जाते हैं। वर्तमान में, हरियाणा सरकार के चार प्रमुख विभागों के छात्रों के लिए दस छात्रवृत्ति योजनाएं उपलब्ध हैं।

The function of the Har Chhatravritti Portal is to receive scholarships application forms, get them verified at the three levels e.g. Institute, University/ Nodal Body, and Head Office ensuring the complete authentication of the applicant and transfer the amount of the scholarship in the bank accounts of the Scholarship beneficiaries.

Har Chhatravratti Portal is integrated with the Parivar Pehchan Patra (Family ID) portal of Haryana. The students who are residents of Haryana but studying outside Haryana are also eligible for the Har Chhatravratti Yojana of the Haryana Govt.

Har Chhatravratti Scholarship Eligibility

Basic Eligibility for Har Chhatravratti Haryana All Schemes :

  • Parivar Pehchan Patra (PPP)/ Family ID
  • Domicile of Haryana
  • Students who are residents of Haryana but Studying outside of the state are also eligible
SchemeInstitute TypeCat.Family IncomeAttendance
Post Matric Scholarship – SCGovt/ Aided/ SFCSCUp to Rs. 2.5 Lac>= 75%
Post Matric Scholarship – BCGovt/ Aided/ SFCBC Up to Rs. 2.5 Lac>= 75%
Consolidated Stipend Scheme For SCGovt OnlySCN/A>=60%
Consolidated Stipend Scheme For Grand Children of Freedom Fighters (2010-11)Govt & AidedAnyN/A>=50%
Free Books For SCGovt OnlySCN/A
State Merit Scholarship To UG GirlsGovt OnlyAnyN/AN/A
Haryana State Meritorious Incentives SchemeGovt OnlyGen/ SCN/AN/A
Haryana State Meritorious Incentives Scheme (CBSE)Govt/ Aided/ SFCAnyN/AN/A
State Merit Scholarship To UG/PG StudentsGovt/ Aided/ SFCAnyN/AN/A
Lower Income Group SchemeGovt/ Aided/ SFCAnyUp to Rs. 12,000 Per annumN/A

Types of Scholarships Available

There are a total of Ten Scholarships under the Har Chhatravratti Portal as given below. Here is the list of Scholarships that are applicable for which type of Course/ Education:

Scheme NameHigher Edu.Technical Edu.Animal Husbandry & DairyingMedical Edu. & Research
Post Matric Scholarship- SCYesYesYesYes
Post Matric Scholarship- BCYesYesYesYes
Consolidated Stipend Scheme for SCYesNoNoNo
Consolidated Stipend Scheme for Grad Children of Freedom FightersYesNoNoNo
Free Books for SC StudentsYesNoNoNo
State Merit Scholarships to Under Graduate GirlsYesNoNoNo
Haryana State Meritorious Incentives SchemeYesNoNoNo
Haryana State Meritorious Incentives Scheme (CBSE)YesNoNoNo
State Merit Scholarship to UG/ PG StudentsYesNoNoNo
Lower Income Group SchemeYesNoNoNo

Scholarship Amount Under Har Chhatravratti Scheme

Scheme NameAmount
Post Matric Scholarship- SCRs. 2500- 13500/- (Yearly)
Post Matric Scholarship- BCRs. 160- 750/- (Monthly)
Consolidated Stipend and Free Books Scheme for SCRs. 3000/- (Monthly)
Consolidated Stipend Scheme for Grad Children of Freedom FightersRs. 2000/- (Fix) + Rs. 1000/- (Monthly)
State Merit Scholarships to Under Graduate GirlsRs. 3000/- (Yearly)
Haryana State Meritorious Incentives SchemeRs. 2000- 5000/- (Yearly)
Haryana State Meritorious Incentives Scheme (CBSE)Compete School/ College Fees (Yearly)
State Merit Scholarship to UG/ PG StudentsRs. 50- 900/- (Monthly)
Lower Income Group SchemeMaintenance Charges/ Fees etc.

Documents Required to Apply for Har Chhatravratti

The following Documents are required to apply for the Har Chhatravratti Scholarship Scheme:

  1. Aadhaar Card Copy
  2. Applicant’s Photograph
  3. Applicant’s Signature
  4. Income Certificate
  5. Haryana Domicile Certificate
  6. Caste certificate
  7. 10th Class Certificate
  8. 12th Class Certificate
  9. Parivar Pehchaan Patra
  10. Fee Receipt
  11. Last Exam Passed Certificate (Except for 1st Year Students),
  12. BPL Certificate (if applicable)
  13. Father’s Death Certificate (if applicable)

How to apply for Har Chhatravratti

Follow these steps to apply online for the Har Chhatravratti Scholarship Scheme of the Haryana Government.

Step-1: Click the Registration link Given below, if you are a new user.

Step-2: Existing users can click on the login button.

Step-3: Enter the Parivar Pehchaan Patra (Family Id), and a list of members will be displayed, Select your Name and Click on the “Generate OTP” button.

Step-4: Enter the OTP received on your registered Mobile No. and Click on the “Verify OTP” button.

Step-5: After OTP Verification, all the details get auto-filled in the Registration Form, and cross-check your information.

Step-6: Select Your Department and College, create your Password, and Click on the “Register” button.

Step-7: Click the login link at the portal and enter your User ID and password to apply for the scholarship.

Step-8: Provide all necessary details like Course, Roll No., Eligibility, etc.

Step-9: Click on the “Apply” button to save your application.

Important Links

Har Chhatravratti Apply Last Date31 Jan 2024
Har Chhatravratti 2023-24 NoticeNotice
Har Chhatravartti 2023-24 Registration/ LoginHar Chhatarvartti
Check Govt Jobs in HaryanaHaryana Jobs

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