UPUMS Nursing Officer Recruitment: The Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences (UPUMS) has released the notification for the recruitment of 535 Nursing Officers (NO) through the Computer Based Test (CBT)- 2024. The UPUMS Nursing Officer Notification has been released and the online application form started on 23 February 2024. The eligible candidates can apply online for the UPUMS Nursing Officer Vacnay 2024 from the website upums.ac.in.
UPUMS Nursing Officer Recruitment Overview
Recruitment Organization
Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences (UPUMS)
Age Limit: The age limit for UPUMS Nursing Officer Recruitment is 18-40 years. The crucial date for the calculation of the age limit is 1.1.2024. The age relaxation will be given as per the rules.
Post Name
Nursing Officer (NO)
535 (UR-200, SC-109, ST-11, OBC-165, EWS-50)
B.S. Nursing OR [GNM + 2 Yrs. Exp.]
UPUMS Nursing Officer Recruitment Selection Process
The selection process for UPUMS Nursing Officer Recruitment includes the following stages:
Stage-1: Written Exam
Stage-2: Document Verification
Stage-3: Medical Examination
How to Apply for UPUMS Nursing Officer Recruitment
Follow these steps to apply for UPUMS Nursing Officer Recruitment
Step-1: Check your qualification from the UPUMS Nursing Officer Recruitment Notification PDF given below
Step-2: Click on the “Apply Online” link given below or visit the website upums.ac.in